The show was a wonderful success to say the least.
Susan Jones ventured out at 3rd Level this year with Reliance.
Hoping to get a qualifying score for the Regionals and one for the ability to do a freestyle. Both were accomplished with 3 scores of 67.+ % and their last test of 69.+%. Showing, always presents new feelings, tests our training principles, and gives us points to refine. Reliance was a perfect star, showing his bonded relationship with Susan. They were a beautiful & harmonious team.
Joanne Gerson and Skippy her Haflinger showed at 1st level this year and won her classes as well with scores of 65.+%. They displayed beautiful tempo and balance throughout the test, earning a 9 for the free walk. Of course Skippy's tail was a sight to be seen.
Great work Gals!