Show season is upon us and we have 3 new horses showing this year.
Tory Watters who is an amateur hunter rider took on the challenge of adding dressage to their repertoire of skills. On their first outing they won all their classes. Although Rio was wondering where the jumps were when he enterd the arena.
It has been a true test of good riding skills and a talented horse when on one weekend they show dressage and the next go to a hunter show, winning in both disciplines. And they said it couldn't be done!
Susan Jones has two wonderful horses she is bring out this year. Susan riding Reliance has received her qualifying scores to compete in 1st level at the Regional Championships, and were high score champions at both recognized shows.
Susan is returning from a 6 year sabbatical. During that time she started her own marketing business, got married, and had a baby. No grass grows under her feet.
Congratulations ladies!